Maria Rosa Sarrias, Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP). Principal investigator: A monoclonal antibody to treat cancer.
Maria Rosa Sarrias, del Instituto de Investigación Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP). Investigadora principal del proyecto: Un anticuerpo monoclonal para el tratamiento contra el cáncer.

”la Caixa” Foundation supports three innovative biomedical projects to help them transfer from the lab to the market and society



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The CaixaResearch Consolidate 2022 call for proposals resulted in the selection of three promising innovative biomedical projects. Each will receive funding of 300,000 euros to help their innovations reach the market and society as a whole.

The projects receiving this support focus on: the development of a new medical device to improve the monitoring of electrical brain signals in newborns and adults; new drugs to reduce pain; and a monoclonal antibody to treat cancer.

Besides financial support, the researchers whose projects are selected in this call, aimed at promoting knowledge and technology transfer in the field of biomedicine and health, will also receive personalised mentoring and expert support.

”la Caixa” Foundation promotes this support programme in cooperation with Caixa Capital Risc.

Latest Update: 26 February 2024 | 14:17