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4 minutes readCreativity has a prominent place in the DNA of the Cepaim Foundation, which is reflected, above all, in the way the initiatives conducted are approached. Its objectives of social assistance and improvement are reflected in innovative projects such as “Football and Sport”, which uses sports practice as a tool for social cohesion and was awarded in the latest edition of the ”la Caixa” Foundation Awards for Social Innovation.
“This innovative spirit gave rise to the idea of using sport as a tool to improve people’s lives,” argues Mehrad Alizadeh, regional director of Cepaim in Extremadura and coordinator of the Navalmoral de la Mata centre, where the initiative originated. “The project materialised in 2019 thanks to the support of the ”la Caixa” Foundation and has received a very positive response from both the residents of the municipality and local entities and associations from the outset.”
Jaime Cortés, sports technician at the Cepaim Foundation, knows first-hand the broad-ranging benefits of the initiative: “From helping to establish links between migrants and locals by improving language skills to fostering social relationships among older adults in care homes to alleviate their loneliness.” Thanks to the feelings experienced while participating in sports, it is possible to work on social integration goals and above all to “create community”, adds Cortés.
The physical and psychological benefits of sport are well known, but Cepaim focuses much of its proposal on social benefits, as Alizadeh explains: “We take away the competitive aspect of sport and enhance the sense of community that is generated among people through exercise.” To achieve this, Cepaim has developed a range of activities that are tailored to each group and their needs in the various areas of intervention.
One of the most successful initiatives establishes an open space in the very centre of Navalmoral de la Mata, allowing migrants supported by the foundation and the local population to practice sports such as football, futsal, gymnastics and basketball in groups and free of charge. Jaime Cortés explains that “bonds are naturally formed through play and sporting practice, generating social relationships that would not otherwise occur.” These weekly meetings revitalise the social fabric of the town and promote intercultural living together.
Networking with organisations in the area is also one of the key points of the project. This collaboration allows access to adapted sports for people from vulnerable groups. “Instead of assigning a specific sport to each group, we let the members choose how we can help or which sports they want to practice, and we adapt to better meet their needs,” explains Cortés.
“Senior fan” is the initiative designed for older adults, and is one of the most popular programmes. It includes activities such as hiking trails or adapted exercise classes, with the main objective being to encourage older adults living in care homes or alone to increase their social interactions. The contact with nature, exercise and conversations that take place during these gatherings invigorate the social lives of older adults and help reverse their feelings of isolation.
“Football and Sport” also has an educational aspect. Through talks and sports activities in schools, social integration is fostered among students and teachers.
Juan Pablo Gounis González participated in the programme as a beneficiary during his school years and is currently an active volunteer. His experience gives him a crucial perspective that he then brings to his volunteering work: “Participating in the project helped me a lot to widen my circle of friends and meet more people.” Currently, his voluntary work in “Football and Sport” helps him to become more aware of the social reality of his surroundings, enabling him to contribute to improving the daily lives “especially of the older adults, who often go unnoticed”.
At Cepaim, Juan Pablo’s testimony is a great example of the bonds that are generated within the programme: “The best evidence that the project works is that those who have experienced it first-hand want to continue to be involved and contribute,” says Mehrad Aliza.
Today, “Football and Sport” is already a consolidated project in Navalmoral de la Mata. This is borne out by the numbers, with a real impact of more than 5,000 participants served and a network of around 40 collaborating entities.
Being one of the winning initiatives in the ”la Caixa” Foundation Awards for Social Innovation 2023 gives them wings to think about the future and expand the initiative. “For us, it has been an award for the beneficiaries, who are the true protagonists of the project,” says Jaime Cortés. Now, their next goal is to “reach other municipalities that don't have as many services, in order to reach more people.” The intention is to collaborate with other local councils in the area and also help prevent depopulation in the region.